Welcome to Seriously Trademarks website. The content on this site is intended to provide general information on our business, the services we provide and intellectual property matters, specifically trademarks.

Neither the content on this site, our social media channels or the information delivered by our staff constitutes legal advice.

Therefore, none of this content should be relied upon as constituting legal advice for any specific case. While every effort has been made to ensure that the content is correct at the time of publication, please note, the relevant laws and practice are subject to change. 

We strongly recommend that you seek professional advice before relying on any of the content.  To contact an IP attorney at our company please call Binh Rey on or email binh@seriouslytrademarks.com.au


Unless otherwise indicated, Seriously Trademarks owns the copyright in the content of this website. The content may be freely copied provided that Seriously Trademarks is acknowledged in the copy. In the case that we have indicated that Seriously Trademarks does not own the copyright in any published matter on this website, please contact Binh Rey directly to obtain permission to copy any content.